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Report: Mick Jagger’s Longtime Girlfriend Wants A Proposal

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Report: Mick Jagger's Longtime Girlfriend Wants A Proposal

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According to reports, Mick Jagger's 36-year-old longtime girlfriend ballerina Melanie Hamrick is pushing for an engagement ring from the nearly 80-year-old Rolling Stones frontman. The pair have been together since 2014 and share a son, six-year-old Deveraux.

Hamrick was recently quoted by The Times discussing the pair's official status as saying, "I know there have been lots of, 'Are they engaged or aren't they engaged?' I'm not bothered. I'm neither here nor there."

Regarding the quip, an unnamed insider spoke to Radar Online and revealed, "It's effectively a public ultimatum to Mick and a warning she's sick and tired of his empty promises. He does adore her and wouldn't change a thing about the way they live their lives, but she wants the whole nine yards. Mick is on the fence. . . That's all she can do at the moment, aside from dropping huge hints."

Mick Jagger insists that his reputation as being a prowling playboy around town in endless search of the new hip scene, has always been more of a public reaction to his lyrics than an actual reality: ["There aren't any playboys anymore. They don't exist anymore. It's rather sad, really. They wrapped themselves around trees in badly driven sports cars (laughter) many, many years ago. And I've always been a very career-minded person, and any vague resemblance of my life to a playboy's is merely coincidental."] SOUNDCUE (:16 OC: . . . is merely coincidental)